Printmaking For Beginners & Guided Sketching Walks

Introduction to Tetra Pak Printmaking
Stanpit Village Hall. 10am - 3pm.
To book, email humbysarah@yahoo.co.uk
Tetra Pak offers not only an immediacy which other collagraph materials lack, but also a satisfying tactility when cutting, scoring, peeling and printing.
Tetra Pak is a versatile and inviting materials to work with and easily available in the home.
During this Tetra Pak collagraph workshop we will explore intaglio and relief printing, and you will also learn how to integrate simple colourways with Chine Collé.
We will begin by looking at examples of the way that other artists use Tetra Pak for collagraph and drypoint prints and how we can use them for our own prints.
Tetra Pak is easy to cut and score and markmaking is easily done with the simplest of tools. There are no skills to learn just the opportunity to play with the possiblities and spend the day making some great and effective prints.
We will introduce colour as the workshop progresses, in the form of Chine Colle which is the application of papers (usually tissue papers) to lift the design with colour.